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3GX Programmable Flybarless System versione 3

3GX Programmable Flybarless System versione 3
Cod. 3gx
Brand new redesigned 3GX represents a new generation of multi function flybarless system. The dramatically improved performance will create immediate impact on any enthusiasts.
• 3GX is currently the smallest and lightest flybarless system on the market.Two ports to directly connect Spektrum and JR satellite receivers, along withfull support of Futaba′s S-BUS system.
• Based on the 3G FL760 manual setup process, the 3GX can be setup in a few minutesthrough a simple process. In addition, the 3GX can support all of the CCPM swashplatesystem currently on the market including 90, 120, 135, and 140 degrees swashplates.
• Graphical illustrated instruction on the computer setup software directs theuser through a step by step setup process, allowing for quick setups withoutomitting any steps.
• Support Bluetooth connectivity. With the soon to be released Bluetooth connectivitykit, 3GX can be programmed wirelessly from a PC. Eventually there will also besmartphone apps allowing live adjustments to 3GX without powering down.
• With 3GX′s built in Align RCE-G600 governor function, no external governor isneeded to reduce electronic wire clutters.
• A library of pre-configured 3GX settings specifically available for T-Rex seriesof helicopters, allowing pilots to achieve the most optimal setup for their helicopters.
• Three levels of flight mode is available on the 3GX to provide different feelsfrom beginners to advanced pilots.
• Custom parameters have been opened up in 3GX to allow pilots to fine tune numeroussettings for swashplate and rudder. Settings export feature allows custom settingsto be shared amongst friends.
• 3GX utilizes brand new gyroscope sensors of the highest specifications whencompared to other flybarless systems currently on the market, allowing it tobe used under harsh conditions. Dual axis plus rudder sensor dramatically improvesswashplate and rudder correction precision compared to last generation 3G. Thisis clearly noticeable in stable hover as well as highly aerobatic routines.
• Suitable for helicopter of all class from 200 to 700, glow engine or electricpowered. The superior vibration resistant characteristic is evident even whenmounted with harder double sided mounting tape.
• 3GX utilizes 16 bit processor which is 4 times faster than previous generation,along with a completely re-written firmware. The result is a dramatic stabilityimprovement from previous generation, with stability that rivals a flybarredhelicopter, yet posses explosive agility.
• With built in pirouette compensation function, 3GX is able to stabilize thehelicopter on a fixed point during pirouetting maneuvers. Pirouetting flips typeof maneuvers are easily accomplished with precision.
• 3GX′s rudder control is similar to the high end GP-780 gyro in that rudder sensitivityis catered specifically for the helicopter′s rudder response characteristics,allowing consistent rudder feel even under high speed conditions. This excellentcontrol feel will allow pilot of all skill levels to experience the perfect integrationbetween 3GX and helicopter.
• Additional peripherals planned for the 3GX includes 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axismagnetic compass, and GPS positioning system. While the commonly available positionhold gyro system utilizes only 6 sensors, 3GX=a1=a6s total of 10 sensors ensure positioningof helicopter with superior accuracy, providing the ultimate solution for aerialphotography or other special purposes.

• Operating Temperature: -10~60 degree
• X and Y axis Operating Angle Range: -300~+300 degree
• Z axis Operating Angle Range: -600~+600 degree
• Size: 36.5x25.2x15.6mm
• Weight: 11g
• Supports Wide/Narrow Bandwidth Digital and brushless servos
• Spektrum and JR Satellite antennas support (Replaces original factory receiver)
• Futaba S.BUS system support
• Built in governor function
• Maximum working voltage: 8.5V
• Compatible with 1024/2048 resolution Spektrum receivers
• Supports 90/120/135/140 CCPM swashplates
• Field setup without the use of a PC
• Compatible with 2 to 5 blades rotor heads
• Support up to 6 servos
• Automatic servo type recognization

Prezzo: € 179,99 sconto 39%
€ 109,79 (iva compresa)

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