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Mig-15 Fiberglass 90mm EDF Jet, 1127mm (ARF)

Mig-15 Fiberglass 90mm EDF Jet, 1127mm (ARF)
Mig-15 Fiberglass 90mm EDF Jet, 1127mm (ARF)
Mig-15 Fiberglass 90mm EDF Jet, 1127mm (ARF)
Cod. MIG15-90

The Mig 15 was a shock to NATO pilots when first encountered due to its advanced swept wing design, heavy armament and truly class leading performance. The Soviets had been engaged in advanced swept wing aerodynamic design since the 1930s and the Mig 15 used minimal captured German technology. The engine was a reverse engineered Rolls Royce Nene, which the UK government, for reasons still unclear, gave to the Soviets as a gift! The end result was the most widely produced jet fighter ever built, not to mention one of the most succesful, seeing service with and being produced by Eastern Bloc countries, as well as seeing service in Asia, truly a Cold War Classic.

If you are looking for large scale EDF Jet with truly outstanding performance and flight characteristics, look no further. The fuselage is of a glassfibre construction, the wings are balsa sheeted/foam core. The paint finish, covering and pre-applied decals just ooze quality. The model features split flaps and is retract ready, with a host of scale accessories available seperately that will make you the envy of the flying field.

A 90mm Fan unit, fixed under-carriage and all hardware is included, electric or air retracts can be fitted if desired (sold seperately), your power train choice will want to be 6s~8s to get the best out of this amazing jet.

Material: Fiberglass, Balsa/ply
Wingspan: 1127mm
Length: 1124mm
Flying Weight: 2800g~3000g
Rotor Diameter: 88mm
5~6 Channel (aileron, elevator, rudder/steering, throttle, flaps, optional retracts)

36mm EDF Motor 5mm Shaft
60A~100A ESC
2 x 4000mAh~5000mAh 3s or 8s Lipoly Batteries (connected in series)
6~8 x Metal Gear, High Torque Mini Servo (depending on landing gear choice)

Prezzo: 259,99 (iva compresa)
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