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Nemesis .60 1700mm (ARF)

Nemesis .60 1700mm (ARF)
Nemesis .60 1700mm (ARF)
Nemesis .60 1700mm (ARF)
Cod. Nemins-60

In air racing terms, there were planes built for going fast, there where planes built for going really fast, then there was the Nemesis. Few can dispute the heart pounding speeds that this tiny single prop aircraft managed to achieve. The star of many shows, the original Nemesis won just about every race it was entered in for its 9 years on the Pylon racing circuit, thus etching its reputation in the hearts and minds of every pylon racer that ever took to the skies.

Exquisitely finished with quality covering film this balsa and ply wood built up model is ready to break records at your flying field. Included in the kit is a full set of top quality hardware, nothing to throw out and replace on this build. Suited to a .60size glow engine or equivalent EP system this model will turn heads and and become a proud conversation topic on the flight line at your local club.

Note: This is a glow engine model, some modelling experiance will be required for an EP conversion. A CD-Rom is included with the model that contains a detailed building guide for a glow setup.

Wing Span: 66.9in/1700mm
Wing Area:
Length: 57in/1450mm
Flying Weight: 3000g

Glow setup:
Radio: 4channels 5 std. servos (Required)
Engine: 2cycle .60 or 4cycle .91 (Required)
Battery: Receiver pack

EP Setup:
Radio: 4Channels 4 std. Servos (Required)
Motor: .60 Glow Equivalent (Turnigy EasyMatch G60 300~500kv) (Required)
Battery: 5000~6000mAH 5~6S Lipoly Battery (Required)
ESC: 80~100A (Separate BEC is recommended on large Models) (Required)

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Prezzo: 229,99 (iva compresa)
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