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OS MAX 105 HZ-R w. OS Powerboost Pipe

OS MAX 105 HZ-R w. OS Powerboost Pipe
Cod. MAX 105HZ-R

OS MAX 105 HZ-R w. OS Powerboost Pipe

105HZ-R Powermotor mit Powerboost Pipe Schalldämpfer im Set!DRS (Demand Regulator System) sorgt für konstante Kraftstoffversorgung – auch bei wildesten Manövern.

Heli-Powermotor O.S. MAX 105HZ-R + OS Powerboost Pipe 105 os-engine-logopng.png

  • 90er- Heli Klasse (650-750)
  • Triebwerk hat einen Hubraum von 17,17 Kubikzentimetern
  • Gewicht von 608 Gramm
  • Leistung von knapp 3,8 PS
  • Das DRS (Demand Regulator System) sorgt für konstante Kraftstoffversorgung – auch bei wildesten Manövern.

Technische Daten:

  • Abst.-Bef.-Löcher längs [mm]: 25oz-105hz-heli-engine-powerboost-pipe.jpg
  • Abst.-Bef.-Löcher quer [mm]: 52
  • Bef.-Loch Ř [mm]: 4,2 / Bohrung [mm]: 29
  • Breite [mm]: 61
  • Drehzahlbereich ca.: 2000 – 16500
  • Gesamtgewicht [g]: 596
  • Höhe ca. [mm]: 100,5
  • Hubraum [ccm]: 17,17
  • Länge bis Nabe: 82,6
  • Leistung kW (PS) bei: 3,8 PS 15000
  • Vergaser: 61G


  • OS 105 HZ-R Motor
  • Powerboost Pipe Resonanz Schalldämpfer
Enjoy huge power and performance with the compact 105HZ-R!
These are the engines that precision aerobatic and 3D heli pilots have been waiting for! In order for 90-sized machines to nail huge maneuvers and hardcore, smackdown-style 3D it's all about power, and both the 105HZ and 105HZ-R have it in abundance. Displacement has been increased by 15%, while a huge venturi rams air into the carburetor, producing massive power. Plus, they fit in a .90-sized mounting pattern.
Featuring the displacement of a 1.05 in the mounting space of a .90.
More displacement means more power, and these engines boost displacement by 15%!

A huge venturi boosts output even further.os-18751-os-105hz-r_powerboost-pipe.jpg
The machined, blue anodized heatsink head is light in weight, and cools the engine efficiently.
An extra feature on the 105HZ-R is the DRS (Demand Regulator System), which ensures consistent fuel flow regardless of the heli's attitude.
Displacement: 1.048 cu in (17.17 cc)
Bore: 1.442 in (29 mm)
Stroke: 1.024 in (26 mm)
Practical rpm: 2,000-16,500
Output: 3.75 hp @ 15,000 rpm
Weight: 21.03 oz (596 g)

Prezzo: € 649,00 sconto 5%
€ 616,55 (iva compresa)

Tempo di consegna stimato: 5/7 GIORNI

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