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Cod. TrackR

New tracking method adapted to all budgets.

Lost your car and can't remember where you parked? It happens to the best of us: wandering aimlessly through parking lots, clicking the panic button on your key chain to get your headlights to illuminate.

You don't need some spendy radio transponder to keep tabs on your car. Uplinking your wheels to the great eye in the sky without breaking the bank is easier than you think.

Standalone GPS and radio triangulation units can cost hundreds. And that's not counting the installation and (frequently hefty) activation and monthly fees associated with whatever service you do choose. For most of us, it's overkill. The good news is that some of life's biggest problems seem to be disappearing because of new technology. If you frequently forget where you parked your car, there is a tiny gadget and app that could be what you're looking for.

What is it about?

It's about Trackr, A small and discreet device the size of a coin that is revolutionizing the market.

But… How does it work?

Very easy! It will take less than five minutes to put it to work. You simply have to pair it with your smartphone and download the free application which will allow you to locate it anytime.

Once this is done, you simply have to put it on your key chain, in your wallet or in any object you want to locate always. In this case you just have to hide it in your car.


Now just have to open the application on your mobile and you can see on the map the position of your device. If you get to lose your car, simply select “find device” and you'll get the coordinates of the new location.

With Trackr you’ll be able to locate your device at any time
With Trackr you'll be able to locate your car at any time

In the following video you'll be able to see it in action:

How much is it going to cost me?

You're probably thinking that this device will be very expensive…. nope. This is the best part, you can acquire one for so little, the price is about €49. Not bad considering it gives peace of mind.

How to buy it?

Prezzo: 49,00 (iva compresa)

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